...as the number of miscarriages grew, the sympathy seemed to vanish,
I am a nurse who worked in the area of gynaecology for many years, looking after ladies who had miscarried or who were undergoing...
...he couldn't handle my infertility and miscarriages...
I was 18 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Since my initial diagnosis in 2006, I've lost 5 pregnancies (2/2008, 1/2012, 4/2012, 10/2012,...
...my precious son, who lights up our life, has been our beacon of hope...
I learned of this documentary at a very crucial time for me this week, after learning on Monday that I had a missed miscarriage and would...
I fight this fight until I have a healthy baby...
My first miscarriage I had back in Switzerland. After my Mom had 7 miscarriages and and one still birth I wasn't surprised about this...
...they have no clue.
In the last 3years I have had 1 stillborn and 3 miscarriages. After the last miscarriage I was sent to a specialist. The only thing they...
...I have to accept it's not my fault...
I just lost my baby at 15 weeks. I had scheduled an ultrasound to find out the sex, and when we showed up, they instead found out my baby...
I wish I had answers.
I have had 5 back to back miscarriages after I had my daughter in a 5 year span. I have seeked medical help from a fertility specialist,...
...I So Wished This Wasn't Something I Had To Grieve Silently About
In the process of having my beautiful daughter, I have experienced 6 miscarriages. 2 before her and 4 afterwards. Each experience was...
The Loss of Innocence Made Me Stronger
The lines of where my fairy tale story begin and where the tragedy of my life ends is a blurred line of memories like the sun setting...
There is so much silence around this topic...
As someone who suffers through recurrent pregnancy loss, two clotting disorders, PCOS, and thyroid problems - I have endured 7...