I had lost a baby.... my baby.
I am 40 and have struggled with infertility for around 20 years now, I have never been able to get pregnant at all. About a year ago we...
..it is still so painful...
My husband and I could not get pregnant due to his infertility. We did IVF and got pregnant with triplets. At about 3 months, the 3rd...
There is so much silence around this topic...
As someone who suffers through recurrent pregnancy loss, two clotting disorders, PCOS, and thyroid problems - I have endured 7...
I have a choice to lie, keep quiet, or tell the truth...
My husband and I could not get pregnant due to his infertility. We did IVF and got pregnant with triplets. At about 3 months, the 3rd...
I hope talking about loss becomes the new "normal".
Hello, I've struggled with fertility for nearly 4 years...first having 2 miscarriages before being sent to a fertility specialist and...
I'll never forget the children I never got to hold...
When I was fifteen I found out I had endometriosis. I was told I would never have children which to some fifteen year olds may have been...
I fear I will always feel as if our family is not quite complete...
I already shared an essay I wrote after my first 2 losses but wanted to share my whole story quickly here as well. Thank you for making...
I will never forget the tension in the room, when my doctor noticed "something was wrong".
I will never forget the tension in the room, when my doctor noticed "something was wrong". My husband and I were at our ultrasound...
I yelled at God, then I prayed that it wasn't true.
I was told that I was infertile at age 19. The male doctor said a full hysterectomy was the only thing that would save my life. I looked...
...My life has completely changed and nothing is the same.
I had a stillborn in Feburary of 2012. I found out I had lost the baby one month before my due date. It was the most difficult thing that...