Incompatible With Life...
My husband and I decided to try for our third child. After only two months we were excited to find out I was pregnant. Trouble began soon...
Time helps, but there's a sadness that will always remain...
I unfortunately miscarried twice in a row. After the second miscarriage which was technically termed a "fetal demise" or "baby loss" my...
The devastation was expected, but the shame was not.
At the age of 32 I decided to get some help for my unexplained infertility. I was diagnosed with PCOS, and started the infertility life....
I felt like I was screaming for help but no one could hear me.
I found out I was pregnant just before Christmas 2013.. I personally was over the moon, shocked but really happy. As my husband and I...
I shut the world out, because it wasn't worth living in...
I was 18 years old when I found out I was pregnant with my first child on August 2, 2013. I was scared of course but I told my family...
I was scared, worried, confused but I WANTED that baby.
I have had two miscarriages, both early first trimester. In 2012 my first pregnancy was lost before I even knew I was pregnant. It hurt...
Why does it have to be a secret?
Through the past almost 20 years I have lost 6 babies all in the first trimester. 4 I had to have surgery to remove the fetus\ cells. One...
...I decided I wasn't going to be ashamed...
I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. This baby was unplanned and a complete surprise after being told my chances of getting pregnant...
I feel cheated...
My husband and I got married in May 2013. In August of that year we started trying to have a baby. I got pregnant the first month. It... the baby's honor.
Seven years ago, I miscarried our first child after two years of infertility treatment. On the baby's due date,my husband Anthony and I...