...I delivered our precious sleeping angel...
I was 22 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy, our family was so thrilled expcially his big brother(10) and sister(1). I was sent to the high risk doctor to complete sonograms in which my doctor couldn't measure everything on the baby. While I was at the high risk doctor they shockingly told me that my baby boy only had 2 chambers in his heart and they couldn't even find the aorta, his arms were measuring smaller than they should be and he only had 1 finger on one hand and possibly only 2 on the other.
That day I was set to see a pediatric cardiologist where he closely looked at my baby boys heart we were told that this is a very rare thing that occurs and my baby would have to go through 3 surgeries with in the first 2 years of his life the total survival rate was 65%-70%... My fiancé and I were convinced that we were still going to give the baby a chance at life. An amneosyntisis was recommended and we agreed, but when it came time for the test we found out even more bad news about our baby... He would have been born with a neuro tube defect, most likely spinal bifida, he had thickening of skin on his back and his skin was not connected to his spine as it should be, he also had swelling on in between his forehead skin and his skull.
On top of that my blood work came back showing I was at a very high risk of preeclampsia. On May 19, 2015 I was sent to another high risk doctor to confirm everything that was found and as much as we hoped everyone was wrong they weren't! We were heartbroken! On May 20,2015 I delivered our precious sleeping angel... Everything the doctors said was true about our baby and he would have had a life of suffering and that wasn't fair the him at all! We had the chance to hold a burial service for our baby and we will forever go to visit him, we know he is with safe in heaven with our loved ones especially my nana who passed away a few weeks before him. I would never wish the heartbreak I went through on anyone and I hope everyone can find a way to help the situation, love those around you and don't shut them out!